狀況: 備份時出現 drive 1與 drive80
根據symantec討論區上的描述 來源
OS Volumes is a special "virtual disk" of all volumes currently mounted by your OS.
This is so that you can backup your entire system with multiple hard disks into a single image if you need to.
So, to answer your original question if you just want to backup a single disk or partition then choose real disks - any index up to 50. Virtual disks start at index 50 (VMDK/V2I/PQI images mounted as virtual disks by ghost) and OS Volumes is always at index 80.
1. If you have two volumes on your disk: diagnostic Dell and Windows c: then capturing disk 1 will capture diagnostic and c: volumes, capturing disk 80 will capture only c:.
2. If you have two disks. First one has diagnostic Dell and Windows c:, second disk has data partition mounted as d:. Capturing disk 1 will capture diagnostic Dell + c: volume, capturing disk 2 will capture d: volume, capturing disk 80 will capture c: and d:.
In my case, since it is a new computer and only has a single drive, I just need to ghost drive 1 and ignore OS Volumes.
所以一般單一硬碟的狀況下 只要按備份drive 1即可
而drive80 是用來顯示掛載所有載入系統磁趨的大小在範例中有說明